
Traditionally Ear surgeries usually done with microscope which enable the surgeon to see very small structures clearly.Traditional microscopic ear surgeries are carried out by making incision of 4-5 cms behind the ear and retracting soft tissues around ear.

Our minimally invasive Endoscopic approach to middle ear surgery employs only 1cm incision that to barely visible and no retraction of soft tissue. Dr.Sathish has vast experience in performing both techniques depending on the nature of pathology, individual ear canal anatomy and personal preference. Whatever approach we adopt for the reconstruction of perforated ear drum and damaged middle ear structures, we boast that our success rate is 100%.

Indications for Tympanoplasty

  • Perforated Ear drum with significant hearing loss
  • Perforated Ear drum with intermittent ear discharge
  • Perforated Ear drum with complications i.e Vertigo, Imbalance, Mastoiditis, Facial nerve palsy

Postoperative course

  • Patient can be discharged on the same day or next day
  • Patient can resume normal diet after surgery. Patient is advised not to blow forcefully
  • Patient is advised not lift more than 5 kgs weight
  • Patient is given antibiotics and anti allergic post operatively


How long does it take usually for Tympanoplasty

Usually it takes 1-2 hours for surgery to get complete.Patient can be discharged after 6 hour after surgery.It’s daycare surgery.But if you get admitted under Insurance cashless scheme,yo may need to monitored for overnight and will be get discharged after next day.

Is Tympanoplasty major invasive surgery

Tympanoplasty is not major invasive kind of surgery as it involves making small incision and minimal blood loss,speedy recovery,short stay at hospital.Patients will expierence minor discomfort or pain at operated ear ,that can be easily managed with pain killers like Dolo650 mg etc

When do patient needs Tympanoplasty surgery

When a patient suffers from chronic ear discharge,severe ear pain ,hearing loss ,then better to get operated for eardrum hole closure surgery(Tympanoplasty)

Does Insurence cover Tympanoplasty surgery

What are benefits after surgery

After surgery,patient can notice improvement from hearing and free from frequent ear discharge.Complication risks from disease can be nullified

What’s is mastoidectomy surgery?

Most of the times chronic ear disease associated with infection in mastoid bone,it’s called mastoiditis.During Tympanoplasty surgery,mastoid infection needs to addressed by surgery ,it’s called mastoidectomy.

What are risks associated with surgery or side effects after surgery?

Most common side effects after surgery are pain at operated site,minimal ooze -blood stained discharge coming out of the ear .Rare side effects are facial nerve palsy,permanent hearing loss etc.But these complication are very rare in experienced hands.

Having ear, nose or throat problem
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