
Thyroidectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove a part or Complete Thyroid gland. Thyroid gland is located in the lower front portion of the neck, which produces a very important thyroid hormone. A healthy thyroid gland is shaped liked a butterfly, and it can be classified into two lobes. Depending on the severity of problem, the surgeon decides how much amount of the gland have to be removed.

Thyroidectomy can be divided into 4 major types:

  • Partial Thyroid Lobectomy
  • Thyroid Lobectomy
  • Sub Total Thyroidectomy
  • Total Thyroidectomy

Indications Of Thyroidectomy:

  • Enlargement of thyroid gland causing cosmetic disfigurement
  • Tumors in Thyroid gland- Aderma of Thyroid gland
  • Thyrotoxicosis


Why do I need a Total thyroidectomy vs Lobectomy?

In general ,when a diagnosis of thyroid cancer known before operation a total thyroidectomy is warranted, if there is not clear diagnosis at time of operation half of thyroid may be removed (lobectomy) for final diagnosis. If cancer is found in operated thyroid lobe in biopsy examination, reoperation depends on what final pathology shows.

What to do if my FNAC test results are inconclusive regarding nature of pathology?

Most of times FNAC don’t reveal exact cause for swelling and does not exclude presence cancer. In these cases , surgery should be carried out to remove half of the thyroid gland or atleast lobe and sent to histopathological examination to find reason for swelling.

what are complications of surgery?

Complications are very uncommon from thyroid surgery. Voice change-change in voice may occur due to recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. Hypoparathyroidism-injury to parathyroid glands may cause hypoparathyroidism and low blood calcium usually occurs after total thyroidectomy. Bleeding from immediately after surgery can cause respiratory distress. Stridor may arise rarely from total thyroidectomy due to recurrent laryngeal nerve injury from both sides.

Is thyroidectomy major surgery?

Yes .It’s major surgery, but it is one commonly performed surgery in Head and neck region by ENT surgeon. Maximum 1-2 day hospital stay is needed.

How is going to be scar on my neck after thyroidectomy surgery?

Invisible sutures or Clips are applied over incision, so resulting scar is faint. Pt needs to apply antibiotics ointment as prescribed by doctors. Incision should be covered from direct sunlight exposure for 2 weeks. Incision line can be gently washed with soap water. But incision should not be heavily soaked with water.

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