
Septoplasty is performed to improve nose breathing by straightening septum. Septum is made up of cartilage bone which gives shape to nose and divides nose into two separate nostrils. People with deviated septum may experience difficulty breathing, frequent nose infections and facial pain. A deviated septum may be due by an injury or developmental anamoly. Most of times it is slightly bent to one side of nose without causing any issue. When it is grossly deviated to either side, it interferes with breathing and gives rise to Sinusitis. Surgery is the only way to fix a deviated septum.

Septoplasty procedure is performed under local anesthesia. An incision on one side of your nose is made to access the septum and to lift up the mucous membrane. Septal correction is done with giving incisions inside the nose.There will be no scars outside nose. Only excess/deviated part is removed and utmost care is taken to preserve as much as cartilage possible. After removing deviated part dissolvable sutures are placed to realign straight portion of septum.

Post Operative

  • After Septoplasty, it is usual to have minimal bloody ooze.
  • Antibiotics are prescribed and regular nasal washes to clear mucus and blood clot.
  • Patient can continue with his/her regular activities with in a week.
  • Forceful nose blowing, Exercise and strenuous activity must be avoided for 2weeks.


What is Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is surgery to correct deviated part of septum by removing excess bone or cartilage from nose and making it straight.

Who needs Septoplasty?

Most of people around 80 percent have some sort of deviation in septum.But all those won’t need septoplasty for correction.Only those who suffer from breathing issues or nose block which not responding with medication needs septoplasty. Other indication for septal correction are snoring obstructive sleep apnea.

Is septoplasty can be done under local Anesthesia?

Yes. Septoplasty is can be done under local Anesthesia with mild sedation if it is sole procedure. Usually septoplasty combined with other surgeries like turbinate reduction surgery and endoscopic sinus surgery,in these circumstances it better to undergo with general Anesthesia.

What are complications with surgery?

Septoplasty is very safe and commonly performed surgery by ent surgeon.Major complications likeCSF leak,bleeding  are very unusual .Minor complication like pain and discomfort and stuffy feeling nose for few days are common and improves satisfactorily with post operative treatment.

Is my nose shape changes after septoplasty?

Septoplasty usually aimed at improving one’s breathing by removing excess bone or cartilage.Sometimes over zealous removal can cause change in shape.But experienced surgeons avoid this complication by conservatively removing obstructing parts of bone,cartilage and preserving which are necessary for maintaining shape.


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